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Welcome! We are glad that you are here.

Yōkoso (Yōkoso is Japanese for “welcome“) to the Miso Soup for the Soul blog. We are glad that you are here. Have you heard of miso soup before? It is a simple soup made with tofu, water, and bonito flakes for a base. This soup is very enjoyable and is served at most meals with rice. Also, miso soup is very nutritious and has many health benefits too.  

As much as miso soup is very enjoyable and comforting, Jesus Himself gives us comfort when life becomes cold, dark, and bleak at times and it is through His comfort and love that we can endure the challenging times as well as the enjoyable moments in life. He is the true Bread that satisfies us, and He is living water where we can quench our thirst. Just like miso soup is good for the body and has a lot of nutrients (tofu and the bonito base), so we come to Jesus to have good spiritual health and have our souls satisfied in Him. 

You see, the Japanese people have miso soup (lots of it in fact), but most do not have Jesus or know of what He has done for them. So, we want to equip others to understand the Japanese culture and how to share Jesus with them. 

Throughout this blog, you will find lots of articles and short stories about understanding the Japanese worldview, the importance of cross-cultural work to the Japanese, equipping others to reach the Japanese and more. Of course, all of this is done out the love for the Japanese people. As God has so loved us, He wants us to love others and show them who He is. 

We hope that you enjoy reading this blog!