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The Obon Festival

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By: Chef Tamago

A co-worker asked if I would like to visit Kyoto with him or take a day trip by car. Since I already explored Kyoto and since my friend offered to drive, I chose the day trip. In Ise Jingu, Mie Prefecture, I did actions I regret. Hand washing, clapping hands together, and tossing coins. In my heart, I was praying for God to forgive me. My co-worker eagerly wanted to show me, a non-Japanese person, the temples built with human hands. Although believing in Jesus, I thought of the visit as a casual tourist locale and was unprepared for the idolatry that awaited me. I went to battle unprepared.

This August, 35 oC humid days, managing the Olympics, and COVID-19 are not the only challenges Japanese people face. Many Japanese believers will be asked by friends and family to engage in idolatrous Obon traditions that do not honor Christ Jesus as Lord. Some will think nothing of it. Some will risk rejection to oppose these traditions and others will go through the motions to please others while asking God to forgive them (as I did).

John 17:16-17, from Jesus’ high priestly prayer, says “They (believers) are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth.” Check in with your returnee friends and ask how they are doing. Not just about the hot summer, the Olympics, and COVID-19. Ask them about their mid-August plans, too. Please join me in standing in prayer for God’s family in Japan. May He sanctify them in His word. May He allow them to be in the world but not of the world. Thanks for reading.