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All About God’s Kingdom

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By: Chef Dashi

“Repent; for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Matthew 3:2, 4:17, 10:7). What an incredible invitation that His kingdom is at hand for us. As I learn more about the beauty of this accessibility to the kingdom, that brought me more boldness to seek and live in it with God. Indeed, that affects how I speak and encourage others in my church and ministries. 

God has presented what the kingdom is like through Himself – His words, actions, miracles, and promises. We ought to accept, embrace, walk with dependence on Him, and worship Him. Our life needs to be all about experiencing God and His kingdom while living on this earth. 

 I wonder if believers are really believing that we can enter into this eternal kind of life now.  Is “Living in the Kingdom of God, here and now” really demonstrated in our Christian life? 

“The Kingdom kind of life” is an essential perspective as we abide in Christ and be an imitator of Christ. We need to continue holding onto this big vision as I live. That big picture affects everything we do in every detail.  On this earth, the most important thing is to be in a personal relationship with Jesus as our savior and to live in the kingdom of God, both here and now. Because our God is alive and is actively at work in each of our lives, the transformation should be a natural outcome for us to experience. The goal in our life is to become more like Christ. 

A lot of discipleship is focused on going through the curriculum, but I’m convinced more and more that transformation in becoming Christlike needs to be emphasized in the discipleship process. The Christian life is a journey and process to discover the beauty, a true beauty that is redeemed from death and ashes to life and resurrection. “Living in the kingdom of God, here and now” is inevitable in the eternal life that has begun.    

The Christian life can be hectic. Serving at church, Bible studies, fellowship, and events are all typically suitable Christian activities. However, behind these lifestyles, there is something that is desired more. We cannot forget God’s heart for the lost to be saved, disciples making more disciples, and the church glorifying the Lord as the body of Christ. We are to embrace such desires of the Lord and walk in His ways. Misunderstanding and ignorance about God’s kingdom clouds our minds and hearts. As I look forward to the day that I can see Jesus face to face, I would like to hold onto the vision of God’s kingdom – how I can live in the kingdom here and now and how I can serve others to experience it. 

How about you? What does your journey as a disciple of Christ look like?