By: Chef Dashi
“In the process of mentoring, it is important to provide mentoring that emphasizes spiritual care.” (Second Level Ministry)
In the next series of articles, I would like to inform you about “what mentoring is” and what that looks like in the life of the believer.
First, “mentoring” is a system that is practiced in the general society, but Christian mentoring is aimed at spiritual fellowship and growth in faith.
Mentoring is a process of spiritual growth during which a mentor prayerfully and intentionally guides and walks alongside a mentee.
A “mentor” is someone who offers mentoring to build up the other person. Mentoring is a relationship in which the mentor leans on the ‘mentee’, the person to whom the mentoring is offered. Second Level Ministry values discipling and mentoring as they provide mentoring that emphasizes spiritual care.
Mentoring is like a ‘map’ to help you on your journey. The role of the map is to help you reach your destination. The map gives you the big picture and lets you know which path to choose to get to your destination. Traveling without a map, it is difficult to reach a destination without knowing where you are going and how to get there. Traveling without a guide can be very discouraging, and it is easy to lose confidence and even energy.
The Christian life is a spiritual journey. Even though we may be lost, troubled, or sad, for those who know God, we can be sure that each event is not all there is, but that God has a single picture of His plan based on His great purpose. Having a mentor can be a good reminder of those things. In a journey that sometimes feels like a detour, a journey that is not going the way we want it to go, the map, mentoring, can help us firm our steps of faith and move us toward our destination with a course correction. There will be much to learn from a mentor’s life experiences and faithful walk, and great encouragement and advice can be gained.
(To be Continued…)